eli walks
eli walks
音楽一家に生まれたイーライ・ウォークスは、幼い頃から豊潤なサウンドに刺激を受け続け、すぐに音楽の魅力に取りつかれる。若くして、ギタリスト、作曲家、そしてプロデューサーとして活躍し、早い段階で才能を見出される。2005年までは日本でバンド活動を行っていたが、その後LAに渡米。2006年には本格的にサウンド・デザイン、プログラミング、エンジニアリング、作曲を勉強するため、名門カリフォルニア芸術大学に入学。Monolakeが開発した画期的な音楽ソフトウェア「Ableton Live」に関するレクチャーを行えるまでになるなど、音楽理論を徹底的に吸収。eli walksの原点となる多様なスキルを身につけていく。
再び拠点を日本に移した後、2011年4月に開催された「SonarSound Tokyo」でのサウンド・インスタレーションを皮切りに、Prefuse 73来日公演、Flying Lotus率いるレーベルの名を冠したショーケース・パーティ「BRAINFEEDER2」、オーディオ・ビジュアル・イベント「REPUBLIC」、年末カウントダウンのGOLD PANDA来日公演など、2011年多くのビッグ・イベントに出演。2012年もModeselektorやSNDの来日イベントにて、オーディエンスを圧倒するパフォーマンスを披露。各方面から大きな注目を集める中、満を持して初のオリジナル作品となるデビュー・アルバム『parallel』を<MOTION±>から同年3月にリリース。7月には「FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL ’12」への出演を果たし、錚々たるラインナップと共に、深夜のRED MARQUEEを沸かせた。
How to describe eli walks? Should we say “beat music dressed in IDM” or “the new era of IDM”? The conundrum of what misnomer to apply to a genre-breaking artist is always one of the most welcome problems. eil walks has created his own style of electronic music, digging deep into his Cal-Arts-honed tool set of sampling, sound design, programming, processing, engineering, and mixing, in addition to his own intuitive hand at IDM and beats.
In 2012, eli walks makes a strong public appearance with his long-awaited debut album “parallel”. The album consists of 10 songs with heavy beats and a shock of electric sounds. With intricately programmed drums rolling over sometimes melancholic, sometimes jubilant song arrangements, eli walks often brings to mind influences from Autechre. Within these arrangements, the melody runs a wide gamut of influence- from the sentimental composition of electronic to the uplifting chords of electro- each song becoming a dense blend of deftly balanced elements. Equally impressive is how eli walks uses sounds to create textures of nearly diametric effect- sounds with woolen and soft sensitivity orbit granite and boldly crushing beats.
Tracks ring out from an infinite depth, only to suddenly wrap you in close fog. Underneath this, the carefully placed bass beats complete a three dimensional quality to the album. All of these characteristics describe a clear line separating eli walks from the normal set of “beat makers”. On his side of the line, eli walks has a clear view of what lies in store for the future of beat music, illuminated by flashes of that future found on the album “parallel”.
The current beat scene, most actively propelled by labels and events such as Brainfeeder and Low End Theory, is saturated with artists trying to ride the wave of the current trend. Every so often, however, a genius pushes against the current with a prescience for the next wave. With “parallel”, you will be convinced that eli walks is pushing well past the trend, and moving toward the new direction of electronic music.
eli walks has played at shows such as WWW countdown, Fuji Rock Festival, SonarSound Tokyo, Ganban Night, Brainfeeder 2, SND, Progressive Form and many more.
He has played with great artists such as Modeselektor, Prefuse 73, Monolake, Digitalism, Gold Panda, Aoki Takamasa, Numb, Daisuke Tanabe, etc.